Operations bags under the eyes in Tunisia
For whom?
It is often on the eyelids that appear the first signs of aging. These misfortunes immediately ring on the eye and the general appearance of the face. Depending on the circumstances it is possible to operate two or all four eyelids.
The blepharoplasty is designed to correct these misfortunes in a sustainable manner, surgically removing excess skin and muscle and the fatty protrusions (pockets of the eyes) and, of course without changing the essential functions of the eyelids.
Before surgery
Before arriving in Tunisia, a preoperative assessment meets the requirements will be required. A specialized eye exam may be required if a history of eye disease syndrome (dry keratitis, glaucoma ...)
During the consultation in Tunisia interrogation followed by an examination of the eyes and eyelids has been directed by the surgeon to search for anomalies that may complicate the surgery.
The anesthetist will be seen in consultation at least 24 hours before surgery. Any medication containing aspirin should be taken within ten days preceding the intervention. Depending on the type of anesthesia, you may be asked to remain fasting (nothing to eat or drink) six hours before surgery.
Duration of intervention
The duration of intervention for a blepharoplasty eyelids of 2 is 1 hour. 4 lids for the duration is 1 hour and a half
Three methods are possible:
-For upper eyelids; local anesthesia where a pure analgesic is injected locally to ensure the insensitivity of the eyelids
for the lower eyelids or four eyelids; local anesthetic depth by tranquilizers administered intravenously. This is a local anesthetic neuroleptic analgesic (anesthetic vigil)
A classic general anesthesia, during which you sleep is completely recommended for anxious patients.
Duration of hospitalization
The blepharoplasty can be performed in "ambulatory" ie with an exit on the same day after a few hours of monitoring. However, in some cases, a short hospitalization may be preferable. The entrance is then in the morning (or sometimes the previous day in the afternoon) and the output is allowed by the next day.
The lntervention
1 - Skin Incisions
Upper eyelids: they are hidden in the furrow at mid-height of the eyelid, between the mobile and fixed part of the eyelid.
Lower eyelids: they are placed 1 to 2 mm below the eyelashes, and can extend a bit beyond.
The route of these incisions is of course to the future location of scars, which will be hidden in natural creases. From these incisions, hernia removed unsightly fat and excess muscle and skin is removed released.
2 - Sutures
They are made of very fine son, usually non-absorbable (to retire after 3 days).
Following a blepharoplasty, there is no real pain, but possibly some discomfort with a feeling of tension of the eyelids and a slight eye irritation. The first few days, you need to rest up and avoid any violent effort. The operating suites are essentially marked by the appearance of edema (swelling) and ecchymosis (blue) with the size and duration are highly variable from one individual to another. There is sometimes the first few days in an inability to completely close the eyelids or a slight loosening of the external angle of the eye that no longer applies perfectly on the globe. We should not worry about those signs that are generally rapidly reversible. The son is removed between the third and sixth days after surgery. The scars may remain slightly pink in the first weeks, but their makeup is quickly authorized (usually from the 7th day).
Work stoppage
The stigma of a blepharoplasty will diminish gradually, allowing a return to social life after normal working days (6 to 20 days depending on the size of the suites).
The results of a blepharoplasty are usually among the most durable plastic surgery. The removal of the "pockets" is almost final and the latter do not usually recur. The skin, however, continues to age and the resulting laxity can, over time, reproduce the folding of the eyelid. Yet it is rare that a new intervention to be considered before a dozen years.
Price blepharoplasty
The price of a blepharoplasty, including travel to:
2 upper eyelids: 1500 €
2 lower eyelids: 1700 €
4 eyelids : 1900 €